The Purple Sky

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream" - Khalil Gibran

Scene I

It was raining cats and dogs outside; when my phone suddenly rang. Unregistered number.

Hullo, isleasy ke? [voice]

Ermm.. [sleepy]

It’s me, datuk K [voice]

..Erm yea. What’s up?

Do you have datuk M’s stethoscope with you? [voice]

(note : datuk M left had cleverly left his stethoscope in the library earlier. I was just playing good Samaritans and kept it for him from any salivating prey..)


Can I come and get it now? [voice]


(taking phone off ear and look at clock. *12.26am* was already rolled and bundled in blankets and pillows. and have actually fallen asleep when the phone rang)

Can you just come tomorrow..? [inner self]

Yeah..urgh..okay. Dtg cepat. [me] So I can go back to sleep cepat. Cepat! [inner me]

When he came;
Is this really datuk M’s stetho?

Yess..? (I may be asleep, but not disorientated ok)

Urm ok.

And he left. No thank yous. No sorry I woke u up in the middle of the night. Cehh.


Scene II

12.00am : umi, selamat hari jadi.. (msg sent)
12.02am : no reply
12.30am : no reply

Hehh..mesti dah tdo. I know she should already have. I know my msg would only wake her up, and she probably can’t fall back asleep. But I want to be the first to wish her anyway. I wouldn’t want to be like that year when I’ve been telling myself to call home and wish her happy birthday weeks before the actual day but totally forgotten about it on the day itself, and the day after that,,and the day after that,,and after that..only to remember when I went back home 1 week after, and to actually find my umi’s sulking had gone beyond repair. (to add to that year’s mishap, even walid and abang had forgotten to wish her,,talk about simultaneous mass memory loss) and umi had been putting long face at home ever since..
*me; tepuk dahi..* (laaa..patutlaa..umi nampak lain macam..)

7.00:00am : *msg alert*
7.00:20am : msg reads; tq sayang.

Sayang..? My heart melt like ice creams in a defrosted fridge. She rarely calls me sayang. Lalalala..what a fine day it was..


I think I'm the only person on earth who remembers all the family member's birthday! I have a thing for birth dates I guess; I can even still remember one of my kindergarten friend's b'day even though we had lost contact. (But this year because of my hormones I forgot to wish my youngest bro's birthday..nasib baik tak merajuk sebab member dah ada awek!) bercinta mcm tu la..yg penting awek yg kne wish first..hehh..

" About her ~

A lady in her 20s, living in the remote of Sarawak - trying to fulfill her dreams. One step at a time, discovering and learning new and old (forgotten) things as she goes along.. Loves to eat, watch heartmoving movies, and photography!!. Her secret ambition is to be a race car driver.