yep. new post in my cobweb-coated blog.
this is a super backdated post.
i meant to post it on the day itself, but later told myself, 'nantilah.esok.'
which had somehow unknowingly turned into 'nantilah, bila ada masa' which..;
subsequently turned into 'nantilah, bila habis exam'
which by the time exam ended had turned into 'nantilah, bila dah cuti nanti..'
the cuti comes and it too...has ended.
and the post has still not been posted.
so here it is now. the post i've been meaning to put up. i post it now as a tribute to my 'nantilah sickness'.
it took place almost a month ago.
i attended 'daurah' at pasir panjang, pd.
it was a 2 days one night event.
i learned a lot, and had great time too!
(the pics were taken during the outdoor activity)
we hiked
we jungle trekked
we had group presentations
we prayed (in the forest! yikes!)
we took lotsof pictures
we imagined ourselves as crikets
or maybe as pirates of the seven seas(i haven't watch POTC yet, mind u)
we were caught by the communist and held as prisoners with no food(okay2..i got too carried away here..)
during the prayer time, we were told to take wudhu at a nearby water stream *aka anak sungai*
so i happily followed the instruction given to the stipulated so-called *water stream*..only to find a lopak-air looking water source.
this can't be it?
air ni ngalir ke tak nih? betul ke boleh amik wudhu' nih? seriously?
what about leptospirosis? giardiasis? etc..etc..?
it was later that we saw punca aliran air of the so-called lopak air. even tho it was minutely moving, tp still considered ngalir kan..
so i held my breath and tawakkal je lah..
what an experience.
anyway, i survived. no tropical infection whatsoever to date.. =)
now, group pics!
I missed all this wonderful time in the jungle..eee..lamanya tak berkelana macam ni. Akak dulu suka panjat bukit dan gunung..ceh..paling tinggi Gunung Semambu kat Pulau tinggi, Mersing..tak taulak tinggi mana. Dah tinggalkan zaman uni..habislah semua ni..tunggu my kids besar, I nak ajak depalak (tapi takut masa tu dah kerepot!)
hehe..nak tunggu najla besar ke kak..hmmm..susah la camtu..meh2..kite gi trekking kat lost world of tambun je nanti.. =)
trekking kat lost world of tambun....nak ikuttttttttttt
meh2..jom pi ramai2..
Even minor bacterial infections can lead to redness, soreness, and in some cases, a discharge that may exude a foul odor.Fungal Infections- The rash and irritation of your respective common fungal infection known as jock itch is familiar to most men. Like bacteria, the fungus that causes jock itch is known to proliferate on this warm, moist region with the sizegenetics, and without proper sizegenetics care, severe itching, redness and irritation can result.Heat Rash- Warm weather, in combination with restrictive clothing, can cause sweating and chafing, leading on the condition known as heat rash.
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