The Purple Sky

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream" - Khalil Gibran

reality check - 2 days to go before convocation day. 4 days to go before i'll be off to melaka for my induction course. its seriously scaaaary i tell you. anyways, i'm motivating myself on daily basis to recuperate my already dampened spirits. most of my friends admitted to not have any revision done themselves during the break *silent relief*. dell reports the same - and currently she seems to be doing well. so i guess i'll be ok.

i hope i'll be ok. *sigh*

my long blissful holiday is ending very2 soon. welcome O miserable life.

after receiving my induction letter last week, umi suggested that we spend the weekend at jadah's (my grandma) house - because according to her, i may not be able to visit her as often anymore after i started working later.. i didn't say anything, but i guess she's right. so off we went to Penang for the weekend.

here's some new things i learnt while i was there this time round.

recognise this? it's cotton. fresh from the tree after being cleaned.

this the tree. ( i'm not sure wether this is the right term to use, so bear with me..)

and these are the ..err.. *buah kapas..* these are the mature ones - as seen here they've already fall onto the grounds. mature cottons are off-white. the ones freshly plucked from the tree branch will be as white as snow. *weee..*

some can just be found lying around like this.. during peak seasons, they'll cover the grounds with whites - just like snow. i'm serious!

to clean them - remove the so called kulit, the pulp and the seeds. dried them off under the sun.. and waaallaah!

it took me 15 minutes just to clean 1 piece of 'buah kapas'. jadah told me it takes around 100 pieces to make a nice comfy pillow. 100 x 15 mins = 1500 . 1500/60mins = 25 hours . so it actually takes an average of one day to clean enough cotton for one piece of pillow. imagine!

here are the pillows hand made by jadah. whats so nice about cottoned pillows? apart from being soft, they do not absorp heat very well. so that makes them cool - and very comfy to sleep on, unlike the new-gen styrofoam / sponge pillow.


hey..i love cotton pillow..its so comfy but hards to find it nowadays..Tak sangka macam susah juga nak dapatkan cotton tu, kena kupas buka kulit tu, mcm payah juga yer. Melaka kat mana? jual harga camner? boleh runding tak?hehe

Best bantal kapas nih..

rumah my grandma pon byk bantal ni...mmg x jumpe langsung la bantal moden hehe rindu plak nk tido guna bantal ni

menarik.. camtu rupanya pokok kapas..

Het! Ko ada belog rupanya. Bertahun tahun dah rupanya.

Amacam Sibu?

Apedaa pokok kapas. Ini pokok kekabu. Pokok kapas tinggi paras-paras dada je.