i' ll be having xm in 2 hours time.
i think my heart had just popped out of my chest.
behold zainab afifah. a successful product of exclusive breastfeeding. her mom expresses breastmilk for her during working hours.
look at the chubby leg! OMG...!! *faints*
p/s: yea..yea..to have me, yapping abt all this when i'm far cry from having a baby myself.. but i'm all for the good things in life! so.., say hurrah to breastfeeding! i say it can be done! =))
‘The world is prone towards instability’
Tak mungkin rambut yang tak disikat akan cantik dan beralun. Tak mungkin rumah yg tak dikemas akan jadi teratur. Mesin yang tak diservis akan selalu berfungsi dgn baik? Hati yg tak dididik tak akan selalu igt pada penciptanya.
Maka, kesimpulannya rasa malas juga perlu ditangkis. Jika dibiar ia akan ibarat fungus diatas roti yg disiram air. Konfirm jadi koloni.
yep. new post in my cobweb-coated blog.
this is a super backdated post.
i meant to post it on the day itself, but later told myself, 'nantilah.esok.'
which had somehow unknowingly turned into 'nantilah, bila ada masa' which..;
subsequently turned into 'nantilah, bila habis exam'
which by the time exam ended had turned into 'nantilah, bila dah cuti nanti..'
the cuti comes and it too...has ended.
and the post has still not been posted.
so here it is now. the post i've been meaning to put up. i post it now as a tribute to my 'nantilah sickness'.
it took place almost a month ago.
i attended 'daurah' at pasir panjang, pd.
it was a 2 days one night event.
i learned a lot, and had great time too!
(the pics were taken during the outdoor activity)
we jungle trekked
what an experience.