The Purple Sky

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream" - Khalil Gibran

gyaaaa..sorry for the long hiatus of update.

currently blogging from seremban using a housemate's lappy. been here for 4 solid days - came here mainly for strict revision regime..tapi till date, its feels more like vacation. at least to me la, haha.. we got to stay in this huge (and very nice) junior's house (with warm, comfy matresses..), somewhere kat atas bukit rasah - where the air is very2 chilly, (seremban mmg asyik hujan je 2,3 hari ni anyways..) kabus menyelubungi kawasan sekeliling almost all the time..

hujan+kabus+cuaca sejuk+tilam lembut dan sejuk+selimut tebal = i don't need to explain the consequence here, do i?

portfolios were all (safely) submitted on friday (thank Allah). macam tak caye yang that one big burden was finally off the hook. mcm org gile on the day of submission itself. bgn pagi tak gosok gigi, tak mandi, tak salin baju, terus ngadap komputer.. tak kuar dari bilik langsung, tak makan..occasionally gerak ke toilet utk qada' hajat, ambik wudu', and occasionally sarah yg cemerlang datang hantar makanan (roti bakar n cucur).. ke bilik sebab kesian tgk aku n housemate2 lain yg dah kematu bontot tak gerak2 dari depan komputer sejak pagi.

and the journey to portfolio completion tu..malas la aku nak explain di to say, i learnt a lot (medically, emotionally, physically, and psychologically). kudos to all my frens yg byk tolong aku maser buat portfolio.. may allah repay ur kindness! lets see how the evaluation turns out to be at the end hokeh..

spa interview pun dah abes.. hahahaaa..gumbira2.. kalau tak kerana interview tuh. i don't think i'd ever memorize such things like - objective rancangan malaysia kesembilan, jumlah kerusi dalam dewan negara.. tak macam org lain yg nak mintak keje - (where the candidates will go to the interview centres) kat sini interviewers yg dtg kat tmpt kitorg. best! ada 2 stream, the so-called stream 'jahat' as they all put it, and stream 'baik'. lucky me, my name was on the stream baik. takde la susah sgt soalan2 yg ditanya.. in fact, i think my interview took the least time as compared to everyone else's! org lain ader yg lasted smp 45 minutes, mine only took a mere 10 minutes! i took it as a blessing, at least tak le kne bombard lama2, my umi kata "u must have been such an unintresting candidate, thats why diorg taknak interview lama2" chiesss... by the way, those in the so called stream 'jahat' were asked qts like - peranan ketua audit negara.. proses2 pembubaran parlimen, bidang kuasa badan legislatif..bla3.. kalah org nak ambik paper sejarah tingkatan 5.. huhu..kesian..kesian..

tinggal final long case and portfolio viva in few weeks time. and if all goes well.. i'll finally secure that title in front of my name. (btw, time interview tu the interviewer asked whether she can address me as dr. **** - and i said 'of course', hehee.. (padahal belum grad lagi pun =P ) anyways, pray hard that my journey will be made easy peasy all the way to the end. yosh.

okeh la. GTG. will be back writing if time permits.

Birthday aziemah. kat secret recipe batu pahat.

Bowling night.


He he..Batu Pahat ada Secret Recipe ya? My dad is there all this while..tak pernah pun tour BP tu. Anyway, good luck dear!

hehee..ader2.. tengkiu.. do need all the luck in the world skrg nih.. =)