The Purple Sky

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream" - Khalil Gibran

22 non-blogging days!

whoaaaa.......!!!! lama tu...
My .reasons .for .not ..blo.gging:

1) new place, new environment. ne.e.d time to adjust. (haha..alasan)
(for those yg still taktau, aku dah recently pindah ke. batu pahat. recently means 4 weeks ago..been meaning to blog about this tp tak tulis2.. by now cerita pindah .randah n.i. dah .pun ...som.ewhat basi and aku. st.ill ta..k sure whet.he.r i sho.u.ld or shoul.dn't write it .in here, hehe.. .tgklah nan.ti mcm...ana...........)
2) .hav.e. ..been busy....and .do.wn..right tired most of the day..!!
again, .i .blame o.n .p.oor ad.justability in .ne.w i thought i'd dwell well in new place.s,. but i've proven .my self wrong. skrg ni balik tiap2 har.i terus i went to bed at aro.u.n.d 10. pm. to these d.ays.. bu.t of cours.e,............... o.n days when i need to get some things done i'll wake up earlier la..) maybe i should blame the wheather jugak.. or maybe the nyamuk2 yg infesting my room ... ....( ni .duduk da..lam bilik rase.r d.uduk. dalam gua...........) nyamuk is a ...............real mood killer ok..especially when u're being attacked by a stampede all at once. though i don't mind donating some of my blood, but the multiple bite lesion they left is not a pretty sight ok....and .....n.....ot ..a pretty .sigh.t ag.ain .if u hav.e. to spend t.he next day mengga.r..u.2 .ur badan in ..p.ubl.ic a.n.d o.pen are.a...........................s.. ( .depan p.atients .a..nd all)......huhu..sungg.uh .tak professional.........
3) those darn portfolios and darn reports
now currently in my final semester, we have to submit 10 portfolios by the end of our 6 months course h.ere. i don't mind writing clinical reports, i se.riously don't. they're not that much of a hassle anyway. yg kurang enak is the fact that we have to read and appraise studies and evidence-based articles (a.k.a EBM) in o...u.......r reports.. (ok kantoila skrg yg aku ni mmg bukan kaki baca journal .. .o..r.EBM articles...). now that. w.e'.re .forced to do so, so its like EBM pagi, EBm petang, EBM malam..,. .......i... even talked EBM with housemates during meal time. sungguh taksub EBM kitorg skrg nih.

4) my lovely laptop *pat2 my laptop on the back*
as u can see from the things i wrote above.. it is interspersed with dots here and here. i didn't ...accidentally type them all on here u see. diorg muncul sendiri. all the while i've been wrestling, (yess..wrestling) with my keyboard to fend them off my reports.. (bygkan aku struggle nak tulis report and titik2..... ..tu asyik dok muncul kat. .screen, and everytime aku delete dier muncu.l balik, kengkadang tu mcm berperang dgn keyoard sendiri utk pastikan my reports are dots-free.) btw, yg ko.rg boleh nampak ni adalah the milder form of the c.ondition.....o.n da.ys it could be muc .w.orse.. anyway ..lag.ik, this is n.ot. the .firs.t time it .dah byk kali.. it.'ll go .a.w.ay. in .a week or .kali .ni .dah dekat ....4 mi.ngg.u..huhu.h...u..waaaaa....) g.ot any. advice?..(. other than keyboard atau tukar laptop.. la .of c.ourse,. huhu.....)....

and owh ye..sblm .ak.u lupe.. this month is my b.log's one year anniversary. its 19/9/2007 to be precise. .......s.h.ould.'ve. blog on that day.,hmm... .so now its a belated anniversary dah la..its been a good one year at the purple sky with all of you! *claps claps*

so for those who. have been reading this .blog for the past one year i say thank you..and fo.r .th.os..e ..who h.av.e been ove.r even when i didn't write anything i say thank you as well,. and a.lso .s.orry fo.r u that. t.akda .ti..ket. post again and again for quite some.tim.e..

and since it's al.ready... .half.way past Ramadhan, i think i.'d better wis..h mencari laila.tul qadar. to all my muslim bloggers.. (.not sure whether i have. a. n.on- mu.sli.m blogger reader or not, b.ut just to be safe.). so may all of us achive. t.he .b.est .in. .these final days
of the month!
. ya...that.'s i.t. .hope those dots does not deter u all from re.ading this post! =). !......


pah..19/9 tuh besday kfc.hahhahaha.suka aku :p

ur laptop dah start ada the mind of its own...
makin lama makin cerdik laptop tu nanti..
jgn transform jadi autobot sudah la...

Memang siksa nak baca..takpelah cikPah punya pasal akak bacalah jugak. Happy Blogeversary..bila balik raye?

happy aniversary..

masih tak elok lagik yek keyboard tu.. rasanye dulu di weblog jaring pun ada masalah kan..

then again.. nampak menarik laks .. dot.. and dot.. and dot..

~ fizz

dell: hahah..ko duduk umah ini ye keje ko..hapal besday kfc..hehee..

DrNO: haha..menarik jugak kalau boleh transform jadik autobots

K.hliza: balik raya mebbe khamis atau jumaat. akak taknak turun taiping ke, =))

kakfizz: ha'ah..masalah yg same tu dia mai balik.. kak fizz takde idea pape utk solution?

beli je usb keyboard.. sonang hidup...
EBM tuh ape.. emak bakar mercun?