its 17th Ramadhan 1427 and its 10th October 2006.
today, a thousand years ago, the holy Quran was sent to our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH). it was on this day that human civilisations were revamped. from illiterate, to literate beings. from non-believers, to believers. from darkness, to imaan. it is the testament, the biggest mu'jizat.
"Alif Laam Raa. A book which we have revealed to you (Muhammad) so that you may lead the people from out of the darknesses into the light by their Lord's leave to the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy." [Qur'an 14:1]
it was also on this day, a few years later that the Battle of Badr had commenced, and the prophet (PBUH) recited his infamous dua (translated as) "Oh Allah, if you allow this group to be overwhelmed, polytheism will become dominant and your Deen will not be established". The battle of Badr (which involves a group of 315 muslim bravemen figthing againts 950 Kufr) was the key battle for the Muslims world, and it had become the turning point in which the Muslims gained closeness to Allah. It was their aqeedah i.e their sole trust in Allah which lead them to victory.
dija's birthday today. we'll be having our iftaar cum birthday celeb later today. all of us had promised to ignore her the whole day, *ahaks* so as to keep her anxious before the surprise party. but knowing dija, i know she wouldn't just be anxious, she'll be devastated! but hehee..that's the crime of being a birthday girl..muahahahahaha..*devilish lough*
one thing that has been bugging me since the past few days. given a choice between two things that i really want, but both with consequences, i have to make a commit or not to commit. to surrender or to fight.
being an adult, i find it hard to make a ripe decision even for myself. afraid that i might regret. fear of the unknown. scared of circumstances. avoiding chances. all my life, my desicions had been based on other people's wishes or dreams. other's influence. it had never been my sole decision. which was great, actually, in a way.. because i can skip all the thinking and come to the final decision without a sweat. not great however, in terms of what-they-want-is-usually-not-what-i-want.
after pmr, i had to choose whether to stay in the science stream (which my parents and teachers urge me to) or to switch to the art stream which i really love. i chose the science stream, (after lots of tears and heart ache) mainly because my parents are strongly againts me taking art classes. after spm, i had to choose between engeenering-based matriculation or the biology-based matriculation. (before that, my interest mainly hovers around art studies.. so after switching to science stream, i don't really have any preference towards any specific science subject) in the end, i chose biology-based classes. thank god, coz i later found out that physics are totally out of my league. when i was i ukm, i had to choose whether to stay on and study the course that i utmostly loathe or take up medicine which is supposed to be a 5 years killer course, one that i had never dream of taking, not even once before. (one which i ended up taking, mainly because..errr..i just can't see myself being an optometrist for the rest of my life had i stayed in ukm, and secondly because i can imagine umi being proud having a daughter studying doctor-ship, and i do want her to be proud of me, so guess that's the least i can do for her).
and so i grew up into this..scared..unsecured..supposedly mature adult..fiddling with my choices and wondering...since when did i step into this strange land of adulthood..since when did every single decision i make starts to matter anyway..and why does it have to be so hard? honestly, i don't have any answer to all these questions.
to know what i really want is one thing, and to know what i need is another. and to decide whether its my wants or my needs that weights more. and the unwillingness of me to venture into the unknown and leave this sacred, familiar zone that i feel safe in. people say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." true, but scary nontheless. me the cowardly me.
i just hope that when i wake up tomorrow morning, i'll have the answers in my head. God, help me.
today, a thousand years ago, the holy Quran was sent to our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH). it was on this day that human civilisations were revamped. from illiterate, to literate beings. from non-believers, to believers. from darkness, to imaan. it is the testament, the biggest mu'jizat.
"Alif Laam Raa. A book which we have revealed to you (Muhammad) so that you may lead the people from out of the darknesses into the light by their Lord's leave to the path of the All-Mighty, the Praiseworthy." [Qur'an 14:1]
it was also on this day, a few years later that the Battle of Badr had commenced, and the prophet (PBUH) recited his infamous dua (translated as) "Oh Allah, if you allow this group to be overwhelmed, polytheism will become dominant and your Deen will not be established". The battle of Badr (which involves a group of 315 muslim bravemen figthing againts 950 Kufr) was the key battle for the Muslims world, and it had become the turning point in which the Muslims gained closeness to Allah. It was their aqeedah i.e their sole trust in Allah which lead them to victory.
dija's birthday today. we'll be having our iftaar cum birthday celeb later today. all of us had promised to ignore her the whole day, *ahaks* so as to keep her anxious before the surprise party. but knowing dija, i know she wouldn't just be anxious, she'll be devastated! but hehee..that's the crime of being a birthday girl..muahahahahaha..*devilish lough*
one thing that has been bugging me since the past few days. given a choice between two things that i really want, but both with consequences, i have to make a commit or not to commit. to surrender or to fight.
being an adult, i find it hard to make a ripe decision even for myself. afraid that i might regret. fear of the unknown. scared of circumstances. avoiding chances. all my life, my desicions had been based on other people's wishes or dreams. other's influence. it had never been my sole decision. which was great, actually, in a way.. because i can skip all the thinking and come to the final decision without a sweat. not great however, in terms of what-they-want-is-usually-not-what-i-want.
after pmr, i had to choose whether to stay in the science stream (which my parents and teachers urge me to) or to switch to the art stream which i really love. i chose the science stream, (after lots of tears and heart ache) mainly because my parents are strongly againts me taking art classes. after spm, i had to choose between engeenering-based matriculation or the biology-based matriculation. (before that, my interest mainly hovers around art studies.. so after switching to science stream, i don't really have any preference towards any specific science subject) in the end, i chose biology-based classes. thank god, coz i later found out that physics are totally out of my league. when i was i ukm, i had to choose whether to stay on and study the course that i utmostly loathe or take up medicine which is supposed to be a 5 years killer course, one that i had never dream of taking, not even once before. (one which i ended up taking, mainly because..errr..i just can't see myself being an optometrist for the rest of my life had i stayed in ukm, and secondly because i can imagine umi being proud having a daughter studying doctor-ship, and i do want her to be proud of me, so guess that's the least i can do for her).
and so i grew up into this..scared..unsecured..supposedly mature adult..fiddling with my choices and wondering...since when did i step into this strange land of adulthood..since when did every single decision i make starts to matter anyway..and why does it have to be so hard? honestly, i don't have any answer to all these questions.
to know what i really want is one thing, and to know what i need is another. and to decide whether its my wants or my needs that weights more. and the unwillingness of me to venture into the unknown and leave this sacred, familiar zone that i feel safe in. people say, "nothing ventured, nothing gained." true, but scary nontheless. me the cowardly me.
i just hope that when i wake up tomorrow morning, i'll have the answers in my head. God, help me.
Setiap perkara di jadikan Allah s.w.t berpasangan; baik buruk, dosa pahala, halal haram, syurga neraka dll.
Manusia di beri pilihan untuk menentukan jalan mana yang perlu untuk dirinya. Justeru dengan akal yang ada, selalunya manusia tidak mampu memastikan yang terbaik..
Namun, Allah s.w.t Maha mengetahui tentang hambanya, lalu di bekalkan Al-Quran dan rasul pesuruhNya sebagai panduan.
Orang beriman sentiasa melakukan solat sunat istikharah, memohon panduan dari Yang Esa untuk membuat pilihan. Apa jua urusan spt pekerjaan, pelajaran, rumahtangga dsbg.. setelah usaha dilakukan, kita bertawakkal kepada Allah s.w.t.
Setiap kejadian baik atau buruk ada hikmahnya. Mungkin sekarang tidak nampak, tapi kemudian hari terserlah kebaikannya.
Sesuatu yang kita fikirkan buruk, mungkin baik disisiNya. Allah Maha Mengetahui dan kita berserah dan rehda dengan ketentuanNya. InsyaAllah hati akan lapang dan sakinah akan meresap ke jiwa insan.
terima kasih fortimes!
kdg2 tak sedar apa yg buruk di mata kita itu lah yg terbaik utk kita sbnrnya..apa pun, He knows best! =)
waalaikumsalam.. hehe.. awak kat Mali, Afrika ke ni? thanks atas ucapan kat blog saya.
Pasal pilihan tu... ermm.. harapnya awak dapat buat pilihan yang tepat... er... nak komen lebih2 pun tatau apa yang nak dipilih tu hehehe.
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