The Purple Sky

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream" - Khalil Gibran

i know i'll sound corny writing this.

p/s: for those who knows me out there, now u know how corny i am. so i'm warning u once and for all. if u think u can't handle this, then start typing something else on the search bar right now or forever hold ur peace.

it's not even 11 yet and i'm sitting here in front my pc feeling sleepy and bored as ever and can't even recall what i did the whole day today.. (ahh..just remembered, must be the futsal game earlier, cess..) and because i haven't written a single word for my gynae portfolio yet and sleeping is not even an option in my current state so i ended up googling this - how to know you're in love? yea..yea..this might raise an eyebrow here there but no, i'm not in love.. i'm just curious. hehh.

there were plenty of answers - different people with their own version of describing the state of - being in love; however these are my favourites. en joy!

~ You know you're in love when there is no hesitation in expressing yourself. When you feel you can share anything and everything. When you are not anxious about making a commitment. Mostly, you don't feel the need to look around for greener pasture. You don't think that maybe the next man you meet may be better. You are willing to check this relationship out...see where it goes ~

~ You know you're in love when you feel like the one you're with was made for you by God himself. They're designed to be your other half and you question everything in your life that has every happened up until the point you meet them and everything in your life changes ~

~ True love is a choice. True love is when you care about someone else more than you care about yourself. It's when you would rather make them happy than make yourself happy. ~


and oh ya..speaking of the things i did.. i just remembered something else - i sneaked into the OT aka operation theatre today during an ongoing surgery without the permission of the working surgeon - to peek into a patient's case note in order to help a friend write her portfolio case, hehee..


The question is..are you in love now? He he..
I knew I'm in love when i always feel there's another half of me in him all the time..

hahhh..kak hliza..i wish i am! =)

I loved you for a long time but I never did have the courage to ever say it out as it always felt one sided on my part, it was always poor timing and funny how things change in a moment and now we are on our own journey where our paths diverged.

I know this comment will most likely be lost in the sea of the internet knowing your luck losing things and your password. Hence the courage in posting this ��
Take care