The Purple Sky

"Yesterday is but today's memory, tomorrow is today's dream" - Khalil Gibran

i bought her last 2 weeks.
sandal yg setia aku pakai for these last 2 years akhirnya kembali ke rahmatullah when we went to the beach earlier.
so i had to buy her.
and i love her soooo much.

miss lovely in action

last nite, just after dinner of seafood and satay courtesy of mak jot,
all the 7 of us gi jalan2 sambil main2 kat playground by the beach. (again)
i tripped and fell lepas tersanggung seluar jeans aku sendiri.
takde angin, takde ribut, takde longkang, batu, kayu, lopak dan sebagainya.
can u imagine that?
aku pun tak leh nak bayang camane aku boleh jatuh sebenarnya.
anyway, as a result;

tgk manik2 yg dah terputus...



later we got into the car, heading home.
tapi after halfway, aku realize aku takkan dapat tdo malam ni kalau aku tak try sesuatu.
so the selfish side of me berjaya mengconvince jiq utk patah balik to the incident site,
regardless enon yg nak ke loo sbb bladder dier dah penuh.
bayangkan 4 org terbongkok2 di tgh2 playground.
mencarik manik2 bersaiz 2mm yg bertaburan atas rumput2 yg basah dalam gelap.
me, enon, bana and jiq.
thanx to our handphones backlight for the illumination.
macam carik needle in the haystack.
2 minutes later, ujan pun turun.
aku nak ajak balik, tapi diorg lak insist nak carik lagi.
hehh..seronok main ujan ke apa diorg nih..
anyway lagi..the result was;

taraaa...8 out of 19 that was lost.
but i'm still sad though.

it was only 2 weeks.


Laa ngape pakai sandal bertumit pegi tepi laut..tak rocklah. Akak suka pakai flip flop aje kat tepi laut..and actually everywhere yg bukan kerja, bebas!